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Early 20s Friendship: When “I’ll Call You” Becomes the New Normal

friendship in early 20

Remember when seeing your friends every single day was just… normal? Maybe it was walking to class together, late-night snack runs, or spontaneous plans because, hey, you were always around each other. Now? It’s more like “We should totally catch up!” followed by… radio silence. Welcome to the early 20s friendship phase. 😅

The Shift: From Daily Hangouts to Distant Hellos

Graduation hits, and suddenly, your BFFs are scattered across the city, country, or even the globe. Jobs, internships, and adulting kick in, and hanging out with friends every day becomes a rare event. You go from daily inside jokes to monthly texts filled with “Miss you!! ❤️”

But don’t worry—it’s normal! Friendships evolve, and so do you. The key to navigating this change? Embrace the quality over quantity mindset. Even if you don’t see your friends as often, the bond is still there.

The Power of Scheduled Catch-Ups

Gone are the days of spontaneous meetups (unless you’re lucky). Now, Google Calendar is your new BFF. 🗓️ Scheduling catch-ups may sound boring, but it’s a lifesaver! Plan coffee dates, movie nights, or virtual hangouts. Prioritizing your friendships, even with busy schedules, shows you care.

Accept That It’s Okay to Grow Apart

This one’s tough but real: some friendships may fade. And guess what? That’s totally okay. People grow, priorities shift, and life happens. Don’t feel guilty if you’re not as close to someone anymore. It doesn’t mean the friendship wasn’t valuable—it just means that chapter may be closing, and that’s part of growing up.

Celebrate the New Friendships

While your OG squad may not be around as much, this new phase brings opportunities to form fresh connections! Whether it’s at your job, gym, or volunteering, embrace the chance to meet new people and make new memories. 🌟

The Bottom Line: Friendship in Your 20s is an Evolution

Friendship in your early 20s is a mix of nostalgia for the past and excitement for the future. It’s a balancing act of keeping old bonds alive while also making space for new ones. Just remember, no matter how often you see each other, real friendships never fade away. Keep the love strong, even if the hangouts aren’t as frequent. 💕

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